During the last decade, the distribution of the world’s urban population increased from 25% to 50%. in 25 years from now, 9 billion people will be living in urban areas. More than a billion of vehicles currently travel the world, and, according to the United Nations, this figure is expected to triple by 2050! the local authorities and companies now realise the challenges of future mobility. The B-to-B car-sharing represents a real solution for the future. As such, according to a Frost&Sullivan analysis, over 4 000 European companies should incorporate a car-sharing service by 2020. Then, experts estimate that 80 000 vehicles should be in car-sharing in European companies by 2018-2020. The number of companies on the continent providing their employees with a car-sharing service will increase from 200 in 2013 to 4 000 in 2020 and will represent 0,5% of the global fleet of the European companies (0,01% in 2013).
The triple benefit asset
The corporate car-sharing represents a real answer to the challenges of the 21st century. “Mobility Tech Green offers a solution that allows the decrease of 30% of the vehicles in parks while guaranteeing the same amount of travels. Moreover, this technology reduces by 25% the off-fleet costs and has a real impact on the carbon footprint of the company” adds Alexandre Fournier, Marketing and Communication Manager of the company. With more than 10 years of experience in the field of the new urban mobilities and 100 000 active users in France, Belgium, and Switzerland, Mobility Tech Green places itself as the leader in terms of suggestion, innovations and performances on the B2B car-sharing market.
Zoom on the e-Colibri technology
Completely adjustable and “full web”, e-Colibri was created to manage in real time the automobile fleets. The 24/7 availability, the service’s requirement of immediacy, the geolocation of the vehicles are as many attractive assets for fleet managers. The solution includes a hardware kit, an adaptable hosted software according to the needs and a pack of managed services. Then, Mobility Tech green covers the entire using process of the automated self-service : registration, reservation, geolocation, access to the vehicle, billing and service provision (with a hotline). E-colibri does not only preserve the manufacturer’s warranty, it also adapts to all types of vehicles, including the electric ones.
“We have been working with Mobility Tech Green since 2013 in order to experiment car-sharing with our employees. This first step was a real success! With 300 vehicles in car-sharing by the end of 2014, Orange already has France’s most important fleet. Our ambition is to reach at least 3000 car-sharing vehicles by 2020, making Orange the company with the most vehicles in car-sharing in Europe. The booking of the cars is so easy that it is now popular among the users. E-Colibri also allows us to propose vehicles to our employees on evenings and weekends, as well as carpooling.” Jean Zermati, Director of the management of the vehicles for Orange.