Mobility Tech Green decrypts the mobility market
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Corporate car sharing: why not sharing between companies?
At Mobility Tech Green, we have been assisting local authorities and companies in setting up corporate car sharing services for over twelve years. These are mobility offers launched for the employees of the structure only. But what if sharing and optimising a fleet of...

The importance of data: how data is being used in fleet management
L’analyse de données est de plus en plus présente dans la mobilité professionnelle. Et répond à de plus en plus d’enjeux pour les entreprises et collectivités, avec un contexte règlementaire plus exigeant et de nouveaux usages. Mais quel est l’intérêt pour les...

Corporate car sharing: what’s next?
In addition to pushing residents to rethink their mobility, the COVID-19 crisis has also highlighted the impact of our trips on the environment. Encouraged by government measures but also by convictions, more and more companies are opting for shared and more...

Covid-19: what impact on the car sharing market in 2020 and what to expect in 2021?
Obviously, the health crisis of this year 2020 had huge consequences on the way we moved, all around the world. As many countries were in quarantine, transportation just...stopped. In a perpetually moving world, it was sure a strange period of time. But it also...

Car sharing: how to used shared vehicles during the Covid-19 crisis?
Whether for private or professional purposes, many of us share vehicles with other drivers. In order to protect themselves and those close to them against COVID-19, some additional hygiene measures are necessary to provide a healthy environment for everyone. You will...

Mobility Tech Green wins the CES Innovation Award Vehicle Intelligence & Transportation
Un an après avoir lancé son programme d’innovation sur trois ans, #I2M (Intelligence to Mobility), Mobility Tech Green voit son expertise récompensée en remportant un CES Innovation Award dans la catégorie 'Vehicle Intelligence & Transportation". L’un des prix les...

Carsharing and carpooling: a perfect synergy for your corporate mobility
On vous avait déjà présenté leurs différences. Mais loin d’être antagonistes, l’autopartage et le covoiturage fonctionnent parfaitement ensemble ! Un choix plus qu’intéressant, aussi bien pour votre budget mobilité que pour les déplacements de vos salariés. Loin du...

Carsharing and real estate: a shared mobility at the service of inhabitants
Carsharing seems to interest more and more real estate developers! One thing's for sure, parking remains one of the biggest issues when planning the construction of a new habitation complex. We explain to you why this shared...

Corporate carsharing: 5 good reasons to try!
Carsharing is more and more popular in our cities. Many citizens choose mobility on demand rather over the ownership of a vehicle. This shift is largely made possible by the development of powerful numeric tools. But did you know that this servicial mobility has its...

Corporate carsharing: how to make profit with the pro/perso option
L’autopartage en entreprise, c’est bien sûr pour les trajets professionnels, mais pas que ! Afin d’optimiser davantage leurs véhicules tout en proposant un service pratique à leurs employés de plus en plus d’entreprises choisissent d’ouvrir leurs voitures à la...
Fleet Management
Future of mobility
Smart City