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Carsharing and real estate: a shared mobility at the service of inhabitants
Carsharing seems to interest more and more real estate developers! One thing's for sure, parking remains one...
Corporate carsharing: 5 good reasons to try!
Carsharing is more and more popular in our cities. Many citizens choose mobility on demand rather over the ownership of a vehicle. This shift is...
Corporate carsharing: how to make profit with the pro/perso option
L’autopartage en entreprise, c’est bien sûr pour les trajets professionnels, mais pas que ! Afin d’optimiser davantage leurs véhicules tout en...
Multimodality: what mobilities for your employees?
It is not a secret: urban mobility is fully changing. As services are multiplying, users got accustomed to a mobility both flexible and accessible,...
Bikesharing: an asset for your corporate mobility
It’s done! The french government voted on june 11th the establishement of a sustainable mobilities credit for companies. One of the last public...
Fleet management and telematics: data at the service of corporate mobility
These last few years, fleet management definitely entered the digital world and discovered the potential of data. While the volume of corporate...
Fleet management in Europe: an ever-growing market
In its study « Fleet management in Europe : Growing importance in a world of changing mobility » published last july, Deloitte focuses both on the...
Carsharing: A 11-billion-dollar market by 2024
Selon une étude publiée en avril dernier par la société de conseil Global Market Insights, le marché de l’autopartage devrait atteindre 11 milliards...
Sidewalk Toronto: the smart city seen by Alphabet
To transform a neighborhood of Toronto into a testing ground for the city of tomorrow: this is the ambitious project of Sidewalk Labs, a subsidiary...
WLTP: What are the consequences on fleet management?
Introduits depuis septembre 2017, les nouvelles normes antipollution ainsi que le cycle de mesure des consommations et de rejets polluants WLTP...
Fleet Management
Future of mobility
Smart City