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Mobility management: an electric, service-based and autonomous future?
As the status of fleet managers is shifting to mobility managers, the definition of a corporate fleet itself is evolving faster than we’ve ever seen before. So long individual company cars and hello to a flourishing corporate Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). During the...

Nuro: autonomous technology for last-mile deliveries!
As groceries home deliveries become more and more popular and accessible, with numerous offers available out there, it is now time to take the next step. By teaming up with the United-States’ largest supermarket chain, Kroger, the startup Nuro hopes to forever change...

Blockchain: an essential leverage for tomorrow’s mobility?
We had already tackled the subject of the blockchain revolution in a previous thematic file. Bitcoin, minors, decentralised register… As many notions that still feed a collective fantasy around this technology which definition is often misunderstood. In a study...

Autonomous vehicles: technological fantasy or reality?
From the vengeful car, to talkative taxis and road companions with vocal control, autonomous vehicles haunt our collective imaginary since ages. Between a powerful technological dream and an almost ethical concern, all these representations largely influenced the...

Do androids dream of cars? Mobility in Detroit: Become Human
Historic birthplace of the american automobile industry, the city of Detroit with its tormented and fascinating past has inspired David Cage and his team for the fourth game of the french studio Quantic Dream, Detroit: Become Human. A forward looking vision of the...

Will free floating change the urban mobility game?
After submerging the chinese market, free floating bike services are arriving in Europe and represent a direct concurrence to self-service bicycles operated via a network of stations, which are currently thriving in most of european big cities. How to explain the...

Mobility and inclusivity: Toyota goes further with the Concept-i Ride
After unveilling the Concept-i in january at the CES 2017, Toyota continues to be interested in the relationship between the vehicle and the driver with the Toyota Concept-i Ride. A car designed for both autonomous and piloted driving, but most of all to adapt to its...

The high cost of free parking on our cities
Based on the book written in 2005 by Donald Shoup, a research professor of urban planning at UCLA, the last educational video of Vox in association with Mobility Lab explores the consequences of the free parking requirements on our cities. After 60 years of...

2050: Welcome to the era of Passenger Economy and autonomous vehicles
With its new report conducted with Strategy Analytics and published in June, Intel brings us to 2050 where pilotless vehicles are now deeply involved in our societies. What changes could this new mobility induce? Could this « Passenger Economy » redefine everything we...

Shared autonomous electric vehicles : a staple of future mobility
According to a new research by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in 2030 around 23% to 26% of all miles driven in the USA could be made in shared self-driving electric cars. A large-scale survey To reach this estimation, BCG took a survey of more than 6000 US...
Fleet Management
Future of mobility
Smart City